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About Susie Lynn Tapp 

Susie Lynn Tapp is an Apostolic/Prophetic Voice dedicated to taking God's saving, healing and delivering power to the nations of the world. Delivered from a lifestyle of drugs and alcohol in 1987 Apostle Susie Tapp has never looked back.


Founded by Apostle Susie Tapp, the ministry has experienced tremendous growth and impact, including the spiritual oversize of over 100 churches and an orphanage with 104 children in India.


Susie aims to ignite in God's people a holy passion for more of His Presence. Susie is from Australia and based in Brisbane Qld, and travels extensively throughout Australia, the USA, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. 


Apostle Susie has been in full-time ministry for over 25 years. Susie has seen thousands of needy people Saved, Healed and Delivered from demon possession during her Miracle and Healing Crusades. 


Miracles are a sure sign in Susie's Ministry. She has seen Deaf Ears open, legs grow out, those that were paralysed are healed, tumours are disappeared and many more Miracles and Healing's take place in her meetings. 


Apostle Tapp's strong Gift of the "Word of Knowledge" is so accurate and spot on it brings great Inspiration, Refreshing and Healing in churches, Conferences, Revival Meetings and Crusades where ever she is ministering, along with the promotion of her book 'Unmasking Jezebel" Tactics and Characteristics of a Religious Spirit' which has brought healing and deliverance to many. 



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